Tag Archives: success

I am a Superstar, I am a Champion

The first thing that popped into my head this morning after I left the gym…because after a good workout is when my I really get pumped up about EVERYTHING…If you dream it you can be it, if you reach for it you can touch it, if you think it you can become it.  It’s so true, and my mantra for the day that I will tell anyone who wants to, or even doesn’t want to, listen.

Everyday I have my son repeat after me, “I am a superstar.  I am a campion,” then he gives me five.  It’s the little reminder/positive affirmation that he can do anything and that he can become anything. 

My son LOVES hockey. I do not know where the obsession (versus just like) came from. Sure he watched hockey with his dad but it went from all Dora all the time to all hockey all the time.  Once the playoffs came around last year I knew I would soon be in trouble.  That God for DVRs because suddenly we were watching the same games, over, and over, and over again, all summer long. 

We're Number 1!

I finally got start and started ordering DVDs, “NHL’s Greatest Goals,” “NHL Behind the Scenes” and every children’s hockey book ever written, “Z is for Zamboni,” isn’t that on everyone’s bookshelf?

We have hockey sticks (many), hockey pucks (many), hockey nets (many) hockey jerseys (many) and hockey cards, literally all over the house, car, and it goes on everywhere you look.  The boy loves hockey, and I’m not going to lie, mom likes it better than Dora. 

I often ask him, “Cael are you going to be the greatest hockey player ever?”  To which he undoubtedly responds, “Yes.” 

The purpose of this blog is not to talk about my kid (even if he is the cutest 3 year old ever) but to talk about passion and unbridled enthusiasm.

I am my son’s cheerleader, supporter, motivator, because I believe in him just like I believe in myself or anyone else for that matter.  We live in the United States of America, the land of opportunity.  Where you can come from nothing and have everything…as long as you want it enough. 

We eat, SLEEP, and breathe hockey

Positive thoughts yield positive results.  Decide what you want, be passionate about it, move towards it and achieve  it.  Most importantly, repeat after me, “I am a superstar.  I am a champion.”

It’s not winning that counts, but the desire to win.

WINNING: It’s not winning that counts, but the DESIRE to win. 

Stubbornly persist and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits. ~ Robert Brault

Charlie Sheen has made me suddenly like the word “winning” a less. In fact, he’s a sad example of someone who currently IS NOT winning. His current situation is one where people are watching the train wreck that he is because of the fact he is not winning. I think to some degree people subconsciously enjoy seeing someone wealthy and successful fall from grace. It makes us feel like they are a little more like us, the “average” person, rather than bigger than life. To be perfectly honest, I have always hated the word “average” its such a C+ type word, who wants to be a C+ when you can be an A+. Which leads me to the topic of winning. It’s not winning that counts, but the desire to win. And by win, I mean do your best, be your best, and make the most of your God-given talents and abilities. Because seriously, what is the point of doing anything if you’re not going to give it your all?

In the long run, “winning” a single, event, a single title, competition, does not mean much in the grand scheme of life. It is a single moment, and while it may be a great moment in your life, you cannot live in a single moment forever. To do so reminds me of the TV show Married with Children where Al Bundy constantly recalls a single touchdown he scored in High School football, to sadly not do much more with his life after that.

The winning I am talking about is the drive, the ambition and the desire to win that stay with you through all your challenges, trials and climbing all the ladders that life has put before you. I also, love quotes. It’s not surprising that some of the best quotes come from sports coaches. Clearly these individuals are in the business of motivating people to win…their jobs usually depend on it. But all of us can use their words of wisdom and experience to apply to our own everyday lives when we are trying to be more successful at our jobs, with ourselves, for our loved ones and even when taking leaps of faith to follow our dreams. Everyday is a new ay to dream, to prepare, to do, to accomplish to climb…it’s never ending. You don’t meet your goal of winning the touchdown and then stop, there is always going to be another goal, another mountain to climb and another victory in your future as long as you are dedicated in your desire to be the best, your best, and win in the game called life.

Here are some of the great words of wisdom, by the greats, I was talking about.

Bruce Jenner, Olympic Gold Medalist, so correctly said, “I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you are a musician, a writer, and athlete, or a businessman, thee is no getting around it. If you do, you will win — if don’t, you won’t.” Clearly, Bruce knows how to work hard, and has a gold medal to prove what he’s talking about.

John Wooden, the great basketball coach who led UCLA to 10 NCAA championships in 12 years once said, “The most important key to achieving great success is to decide upon your goal, and launch, get started, take action and move.”

 You know what all these great achievers, ie “winners” have in common? They BELIEVE in themselves, they DON’T STOP, they DON’T GIVE UP, and they complete their mission of showing the world the GREATNESS that they’re made of.

 What most people don’t realize, or at least act on, is that we all have greatness inside of us. The key is to realize it, to use it and ultimately become it.

Determination, Persistence, Success

Determination, Persistence, Success

Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself. Theodore T. Hunger

I start every Monday thinking it is going to be the best week ever . A great start to a great week is a great workout. It makes your body feel strong, your mind feel strong and gives you the energy you need to get moving in the right direction.

Diet. A great week includes a great diet. Again, gives you the energy you need to accomplish great things, complements your great workout and feeling good about what you eat also shows pride in your well being. Obviously your diet effects how your body looks, and I truly think that how you look on the outside has an effect on how you feel on the inside.

Powerful positive thinking throughout the day. As most people I enjoy a good motivational quote. I won’t lie, I LOVE them. I think a quick reminder of the path you are on and the goals you wish to achieve are little things that can keep you on track. Just like the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people. The old saying, together we achieve more is so true. Nobody is an island, everyone needs a little support, encouragement, and praise. When you have a good network of friends, family or coworkers who either share your goals and ambitions or who cheer you on its that little extra something that can give you a boost on days you may be feeling more sluggish than others.

The twin sister to a good workout….a good night’s sleep. I almost feel like I start thinking delusional thoughts when I am going on very little sleep. To the contrary, a good nights rest, followed by the routine above…gym, strong feelings of body and mind, positive thinking…gives me the energy to feel like I can conquer my world by accomplishing all I set out to do that day/week.

And it’s as simple as that.

Be Fabulous Dream Big

Great hopes make everything great possible. Benjamin Franklin

My new mantra as of the past year or so, positive thoughts yield positive results. It’s so true, while nothing has really changed in my life I’ve never been happier. I feel empowered, I feel strong, I feel unstoppable, I feel like I can do anything.

With a single thought, the idea that all your dreams can and will come true, what happens next is life changing. It starts with a thought, then a plan, then action and viola it’s yours. Although I haven’t quite gotten to the “it’s mine” stage it’s there, I can see it, I can tough it, I can taste it…and that’s all I need to propel me forward.