Tag Archives: kids

A Tee-riffic Par-tee

Well the 5th birthday party at Willowbrook Golf Center was a success! Perfect weather, the kids had a blast, although the first five minutes of chaos was a little overwhelming. The mystery guest, the NJ Devil was a hit! Some of the boys from Cael’s hockey team were there and they all loved it. And even my cake was a hit. Phew, all the work is over…until next year!






Cael’s 5th Golf Birthday

So I’ve been planning Cael’s 5th birthday. It’s going to be at a local mini-golf place. I’ve been on Etsy and EBay buying stuff for the party for the last month. I’ve invited about 35 kids, of which I anticipate about 24 to attend. It’s always hard with summer vacations and so many other things going on to get a convenient date for people.
I have coordinated the outfits, purchased the balloons, next big item was the cake. I was originally going to budget up to $200 for a cake but decided I could attempt to make it myself for a big cost savings that could be budgeted elsewhere, like favors or a photographer.

I spent at lest two weeks googling golf cake images and “how tos” for cakes, watched YouTube videos etc. Finally I decided on a simple design. I made the cake/cupcake toppers myself. After free printable flag numbers and the tees, sticks and balls I got on eBay I definitely spent about half of the amount it would have been to buy the items. With just a little hot glue and Elmer’s glue I was ready.

Next up, icing supplies. I googled how to make grass icing. I went to Michael’s and got my Wilton tips and icing bags, and some green Wilton fondant and was ready to go.

My trial cupcakes were first. We used regular Pillsbury funfetti mix and Pillsbury icing. I made the icing green and kept it in the fridge overnight to harden. The final result…



Next up the trial cake.
I used regular butter vanilla Pilsburry with chocolate icing over two 8 inch rounds. I rolled out the green fondant. Did little fondant balls on the bottom and icing on the top, using the dyed Wilton buttercream icing. The final result…




Next up, the cake/cupcake stand!! Still working that one. 6 days to go, it’s crunch time!

I am a Superstar, I am a Champion

The first thing that popped into my head this morning after I left the gym…because after a good workout is when my I really get pumped up about EVERYTHING…If you dream it you can be it, if you reach for it you can touch it, if you think it you can become it.  It’s so true, and my mantra for the day that I will tell anyone who wants to, or even doesn’t want to, listen.

Everyday I have my son repeat after me, “I am a superstar.  I am a campion,” then he gives me five.  It’s the little reminder/positive affirmation that he can do anything and that he can become anything. 

My son LOVES hockey. I do not know where the obsession (versus just like) came from. Sure he watched hockey with his dad but it went from all Dora all the time to all hockey all the time.  Once the playoffs came around last year I knew I would soon be in trouble.  That God for DVRs because suddenly we were watching the same games, over, and over, and over again, all summer long. 

We're Number 1!

I finally got start and started ordering DVDs, “NHL’s Greatest Goals,” “NHL Behind the Scenes” and every children’s hockey book ever written, “Z is for Zamboni,” isn’t that on everyone’s bookshelf?

We have hockey sticks (many), hockey pucks (many), hockey nets (many) hockey jerseys (many) and hockey cards, literally all over the house, car, and it goes on everywhere you look.  The boy loves hockey, and I’m not going to lie, mom likes it better than Dora. 

I often ask him, “Cael are you going to be the greatest hockey player ever?”  To which he undoubtedly responds, “Yes.” 

The purpose of this blog is not to talk about my kid (even if he is the cutest 3 year old ever) but to talk about passion and unbridled enthusiasm.

I am my son’s cheerleader, supporter, motivator, because I believe in him just like I believe in myself or anyone else for that matter.  We live in the United States of America, the land of opportunity.  Where you can come from nothing and have everything…as long as you want it enough. 

We eat, SLEEP, and breathe hockey

Positive thoughts yield positive results.  Decide what you want, be passionate about it, move towards it and achieve  it.  Most importantly, repeat after me, “I am a superstar.  I am a champion.”