Tag Archives: achievement

Running-Positive thoughts yield positive results & NEVER think you can’t

I have a coworker who a few months ago (early July) mentioned they were going to enter a 10k. Next thing I knew my untrained, hadn’t run a mile in more than nine months self, agreed to do the same.

I guess it was some inner competitiveness and not wanting to accept the fact that a peer could accomplish a feat of physical fitness that I could not as well. But really, what was I thinking?!

For purposes of full disclosure I work out a good deal, I lift weights and may do 20 minutes on the bike at a time. However, neither of these provide you with the cardiovascular endurance needed for running. My self-proclaimed physically fit self soon realized this.

I quickly jumped in with two feet because I had 2 months to do a 10k!

I first signed up for every local race I could find. One, than another, than another….

The races were:

July 23rd Packanack Lake 5K

Aug 20th Born to Run 5k

Sept 5th Arboretum Run

Sept 11th Tunnels to Towers 5k Run

Sept 18th Brian’s Run

Oct 10th Spartan Run

And after becoming slightly addicted I think there may be more.  And it’s a great way to teach your kids about fitness.  Cael loves going to the races too!

When I got to the first race I was a little intimidated by the “real runners” in their running gear and running club and track team jerseys…but I was determined (although a little scared) to hold my own.

The first race definitely could use a lot of improvement

7/23 time- 28:36. I was determined to do better next time

8/20- 26:22 (goal was 27)

9/5 – 25:39 (goal was 25:30)

9/11(goal is 24:59)

9/18 (goal is 60:00)

10/10 (goal is 24)

Once one race ends I get so excited for the next one. There’s nothing like setting a goal and trying to accomplish it to make you feel on top of the world!

I am a Superstar, I am a Champion

The first thing that popped into my head this morning after I left the gym…because after a good workout is when my I really get pumped up about EVERYTHING…If you dream it you can be it, if you reach for it you can touch it, if you think it you can become it.  It’s so true, and my mantra for the day that I will tell anyone who wants to, or even doesn’t want to, listen.

Everyday I have my son repeat after me, “I am a superstar.  I am a campion,” then he gives me five.  It’s the little reminder/positive affirmation that he can do anything and that he can become anything. 

My son LOVES hockey. I do not know where the obsession (versus just like) came from. Sure he watched hockey with his dad but it went from all Dora all the time to all hockey all the time.  Once the playoffs came around last year I knew I would soon be in trouble.  That God for DVRs because suddenly we were watching the same games, over, and over, and over again, all summer long. 

We're Number 1!

I finally got start and started ordering DVDs, “NHL’s Greatest Goals,” “NHL Behind the Scenes” and every children’s hockey book ever written, “Z is for Zamboni,” isn’t that on everyone’s bookshelf?

We have hockey sticks (many), hockey pucks (many), hockey nets (many) hockey jerseys (many) and hockey cards, literally all over the house, car, and it goes on everywhere you look.  The boy loves hockey, and I’m not going to lie, mom likes it better than Dora. 

I often ask him, “Cael are you going to be the greatest hockey player ever?”  To which he undoubtedly responds, “Yes.” 

The purpose of this blog is not to talk about my kid (even if he is the cutest 3 year old ever) but to talk about passion and unbridled enthusiasm.

I am my son’s cheerleader, supporter, motivator, because I believe in him just like I believe in myself or anyone else for that matter.  We live in the United States of America, the land of opportunity.  Where you can come from nothing and have everything…as long as you want it enough. 

We eat, SLEEP, and breathe hockey

Positive thoughts yield positive results.  Decide what you want, be passionate about it, move towards it and achieve  it.  Most importantly, repeat after me, “I am a superstar.  I am a champion.”